A memorable gift with a purpose for my family…My 3 kids and their families will be coming to visit us (they all live 2000+ miles away) in July and during that time we will have a memorial dedication for my late husband, their dad and grandad. This will be the 10th anniversary of his death. My new husband and I built a memorial with a 10’ steel cross on a hill in our backyard. The cups are for each of us to have some of his ashes in so it will be easy to spread them on the hill. They will, each one, have the cup as a momento with all their names as well as a scripture verse from I John 4, “Love each other because he first loved us.”
The cups turned out great and I think they will be a special reminder of the time we had together celebrating their dad/grandad and reminding them of God’s love for them and their love for each other.